Thank you for your thoughts and support.
It is my intention to develop a very simple description of the times. I hope there is power in simplicity. I do not know how long it will be but I will be delighted if I can cap it at say 50 to 60 pages.
My idea is to provide the major talking points and to list resources.
I have modified my Model which forms the backbone of the Study I am working on. Please please tell me where it needs correcting and improving. Note that this is a PowerPoint Show file where each screen is timed to step on after 6 seconds.
I think that the early dates would be defined by literature such as the earliest version of 1 Enoch, Jubilees, and such. The situation that developed needs to be seen in the context of the community leading up to that period.
The events at 70 CE saw the demise of the Sadducees and gave rise to the emerging influence of Rabbinic Judaism and of the growing Jesus-followers. Rather than ending at 70 CE, the influence of the Second Temple Period has continued. Consider, as just one example, the present-day ideas of a personal Satan, which was a creation of that time.